ERPmatik Anwendungsbeispiele – Ticketing

ERPmatik ist so konzipiert, dass Sie alle Anwederprozesse in allen SAP Modulen automatisieren können, die aktuell manuell erledigt werden. Hier sind einige Beispiele


Offene Sales Order löschen

Offene Sales Order löschen

Rejection für Sales Order setzen


Posting of stock from blocked to unrestricted use

Löschvormerkung für Materilien auf Kundenebene setzen

Materialstatus for Beschaffung blockieren


Geparkte Rechnungen löschen


Auslieferungsauftrag Kürzen – Gesamtmenge

Auslieferungsauftrag Kürzen – Teilmenge

WE-Menge in Anlieferung anpassen


Material BOM aktualisieren

Fertigungsversionen einem Material zuweisen

Material BOM löschen

ERPmatik Anwendungsbeispiele – Housekeeping Tasks

Stornierung offener Lageraufgaben, die älter als 15 Tage sind

Business Scenario: Cancel open warehouse tasks in the system. These tasks include put-away, picking, and replenishment activities, however they are not processed for a long period and must be cancelled after 15 days.

Why cancellation is important?

  • If these tasks are left open and not processed in a timely manner, it can lead to the following consequences:
  • Incorrect inventory levels
  • Delay in order fulfillment
  • Congestion in warehouse operations systematically
    Increased picking errors


  • Real Time visibility of WT’s only for current processing orders.
  • Maintain inventory levels accuracy.
  • Decrease picking errors.
  • Eventually decrease unnecessary open WT’s which are physically completed.

Leere Handling Units bei MFS löschen

Business Scenario: Clear the empty HU’s which are systematically showing in Lost & Found storage type. But are physically found so send them to their respective storage areas for the utilization.

Why cleaning of empty HU’s is important?

The system may suffer when trash data accumulates if we do not clean HU’s Lost & Found store. Every time, a new HU number will be generated in the system.
Also, if cleaning of HU’s is done at time, it can lead to following consequences.

  • Congestion in warehouse operations systematically
  • Discrepancy in picking warehouse tasks.
  • No real time availability of useable HU’s.
  • Can cause problem in storage and internal movements of product with HU’s.


  • Real Time availability of HU’s.
  • Increase the productivity of material flow.
  • Efficient reuse of HU’s.
  • Decrease redundant creation of HU’s.

Clear the stock from Storage Bin – Dedicated Bin

Business Scenario: Clear the stock from the dedicated bin of storage type, as there should no stock exists.

Why cleaning of stock from dedicated storage bin is important?

  • Specified storage bins where there shouldn’t be any stock or must be cleared so that it can be available for urgent putaway of any material, it must be cleared so that stock can be placed and used in the appropriate spot.
  • If not cleared, real time process of warehouse will be erupted.
  • Discrepancy in inventory management.

Automation Impact

  • Real Time inventory reporting.
  • Compliance with storage bin policy.
  • Eventually decrease redundant inventory in the storage bin.

Leere Handling Units löschen

Business Scenario: The management has requested that the empty handling units displayed at the packing workstation be removed from the system and deleted..

Why deleting of empty HU’s is important at packing workstation?

Whenever stock deliveries needs to be packed, a new handling unit should be generated. So, empty handling units should not be present systematically at packing workstations. Below could be the cause of empty HU’s at packing workstation:

  • User has created a handling unit for packing and left the workstation due to shift break or shift end.
  • A new user at workstation has created a new handling unit for packing.


  • Data Clutter – The existence of redundant empty HUs at packing workstation clutters the system, making it difficult to handle and maintain clean, correct data records.
  • Maintain Data Accuracy during packing – Deleting empty HUs ensures that the stock is properly packed into respective handling unit at packing workstation.
  • System Performance – Removing unneeded data from the system minimizes database load while improving overall system efficiency.

ERPmatik Anwendungsbeispiele – Data Download